Preserved Lemon Paste is the ultimate superfood


There are many reasons why we cannot imagine cooking without Preserved Lemon Paste. This zesty, sassy, and versatile condiment brightens up and balances out every dish with a lively zip. But, also, it packs a multitude of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, and gut-healthy probiotics thanks to fermentation. 

Keep reading to learn more about Preserved Lemon Health benefits below.


That’s another reason why using lemons in salad/salad dressing is so great (besides the obvious flavor enhancement), you get a boost of Vitamin C and allow your system to absorb more nutrients. Our Preserved Lemon Paste is the perfect way to boost the nutritional value of any dish with 1 tablespoon containing 9mg of Vitamin C (10% of Daily Value).

Gut Healthy Probiotics

Once sealed in a jar with salt and water (or lemon juice) lemons go through lacto-fermentation, one of the easiest and safest methods of preserving fresh produce. During this process, lactobacillus bacteria (already present in your fruit or veg.) multiplies and creates lactic acid as its by-product. The food becomes alive! (well, sorta) 

Probiotics found in fermented foods are incredible for your gut health and promote healthy digestion. As we know, your gut health has a direct impact on your overall body and immunity. So, regularly eating fermented foods is an efficient  (and delicious) way to boost your immune system and boost your metabolism.

Vitamin C Boost

Lemons house a ton of immunity-boosting Vitamin C (around 30 milligrams in one lemon, to be exact). Vitamin C is beneficial for our heart health, promotes collagen (the most abundant structural protein in our bodies) production, and has anti-inflammatory properties. 

( Quick history lesson: In the 18th-century lemons saved European sailors from scurvy, a deadly disease mainly caused by Vitamin C deficiency. Some say it was even more dangerous than an enemy’s attack. )

High levels of Vitamin C help our bodies absorb iron from plant-based foods. So, if you’re a vegan or follow a plant-based lifestyle, lemons are worth adding to your diet. 

High in Fiber

Kristy Del Coro in her article “I’m an RD, and Here’s Why Lemons Are One of the Best Foods to Eat for Longevity” mentions that to reap the most benefits of lemon, using it whole and consuming all parts of the lemon is the most ideal. 
We use whole lemons in our Preserved Lemon Paste; Juice, pulp, rind, peel and all. Since every part of the fruit is abundant in nutrients, not a single vitamin goes to waste when we make our preserved lemon paste.

For example, lemon pulp is high in soluble fiber, the main one being pectin. Dietary fiber is known to improve digestion and heal your gut health, oftentimes resulting in lowering blood sugar levels. 

Also, did you know that lemon peels (which are often discarded) are highly nutritious? They are rich in fiber, flavonoids, D-limonene, and contain essential minerals. So much good stuff!


Link to Resources






Learn more about our Preserved Lemon Paste here. We put together an extensive guide talking the ingredient, its story, recipes (see 34 Ways to Use Preserved Lemon Paste) , and how we make our Preserved Lemon Paste.